Aug 31, 2014

C&C August Visitors

On Monday, the last week in August, Jill, Martha and Lisle came for lunch.  Jill from NYC, Martha from Connecticut and Lisle from Vermont on her way to Boston.  And then on Friday John & Louise came for lunch on their way North from The City.  It was wonderful to see everyone.

Martha & Lisle
Garden touring
Martha & Jill
Jack and Jill discussing Protein
Discussing cooking tofu

John & Louise and Jack: garden touring

John & Louise and Jack: garden touring

John & Louise in the Fenced Garden
John & Louise

Some pictures by Louise:

John & David



Dorothy (Our house guest that weekend) & Jack

May 20, 2014

Our Class Reunion at City & Country's 100th Year Alumni Celabration

On May 15, 2014, on the occasion of an alumni event to celebrate City & Country's 100th year, some of the remaining members of our class, the class of '62, gathered at about four o'clock at the Jefferson Market Library at 10 Street & 6 Avenue where an exhibition from the school's archives was being held.  From there we walked over to the school and toured the 13 Street building before joining a party in the main yard.  Afterwards we walked over to Souen, a restaurant on 13 Street near Union Square, for dinner.

At the Jefferson Market Library Exhibition

Photo of our class

Janet looking at photos of our class (top right & bottom left)
John, Debbie & Kim
Kim & Janet
Debbie & John
Debbie & John
Photo of a very young Ronnie
Kim & John in front of slide show
David, Jack, Janet & Debbie

At the School Touring the 13 Street Building

In the new library, the table and some of the chairs are original
Lisle, Kim, Janet & Debbie on the tour of the 13th Street building
Harry, Debbie, Jack, Lisle & John
Jack, Lisle, John, Kim, Louise & Janet on the roof of the 13th Street building
John, Lisle, Barry Munger (board member and parent), John & Kim

In the Yard for the Party

13th Street building
Class photo taken at the party BACK: David, John, Lisle FRONT: Janet, Jack, Kim, Debbie   PHOTO: Pat Bates and Associates
Class photo  PHOTO: Pat Bates and Associates
Eric Darton ('64) & David Lebe reunion  PHOTO: Pat Bates and Associates
Eric Darton ('64 & David Lebe reunion  PHOTO: Pat Bates and Associates

At Souen, restaurant near Union Square

Jill & Kim
Jill & Kim