A class with Sol Mednick
I took these pictures when I was a student in Sol Mednick's view camera class at The Philadelphia College of Art. The class was held in the Photography Studio, which was located at that time along with all the darkroom facilities, in the Frank Furness carriage house. They were taken on October 1, 1969
Sol Mednick and Terry Hourigan |
Sol Mednick and Terry Hourigan |
Sol Mednick and Terry Hourigan |
Sol Mednick and Lynn Geisler |
Stan Shire, Lynn Geisler in back |
Linda (Norton) and Alan Eastman |
Susan Welchman |
SusanWelchman in her mother's favorite dress |
Susan Welchman - Terry Hourigan and Sol Mednick in back |
Photographing in N.J. with Linda (still Norton) Eastman
Linda Eastman In The Wilds of NJ, November 1968 |
Linda Eastman, A Field in NJ, November 1968 |
To an anti-war march in Washington DC
The Train To DC - Alan Eastman, November 14, 1969 |
Last Cigarette of The Day - Linda and Alan - Spending the night in the basement of the home of a couple who both worked in high positions in the Johnson White House and who picked us up off the street near the Capital on a freezing cold night so they could do their part in helping the anti-war protest. Photographs of and with the Johnsons and Kennedys on the wall above the bed. November 14, 1969 |
Chauffeured Limousine To The Anti-war March - Linda and Alan - November 15, 1969 |
Atco Dragway
Waiting To Race - Stephen Yeaton, Atco Dragway, New Jersey. October 25, 1970 |
Stephen Yeaton and Kathy Hilliard. Atco Dragway, New Jersey. October 25, 1970 |
A Barbecue at Tom and Jane's
Back Yard Picnic - Ardmore, PA., May 28, 1975 - L to R: Ray K. Metzker, Liz Robinson, Martus Granier, Jane Porett |
Back Yard Picnic - Ardmore, PA., May 28, 1975 - L to R: PCA equipment room manager, neighbor child, Tom Porett, Ron Walker, Ray K. Metzker |